Skin sensitivities can be unpredictable. If you have experienced a reaction, we recommend you stop using all products for a full week. This will give your skin the chance to recover from whatever was aggravating it.
You may wish to test the Aesop products you have on separate patches of skin away from your face. Allow twenty-four hours to assess your skin's response. If you find there is no reaction, repeat the process. Again, allow twenty-four hours for assessment.
If neither of these tests results in an adverse reaction, apply a small amount of your product to your face. Use less product than you normally would in the first instance, then slowly increase the amount. If your skin reacts or symptoms persist despite not using any products, we suggest you consult with a dermatologist.
If you are a first-time user of Aesop or you are experimenting with new Aesop products, we recommend you speak with us for a consultation. Our consultants are available by telephone or Live Assistance. Consultations will assist you in ascertaining which products are best suited to your skin.